CLIMATE - ESG MONITORING SYSTEM™ (CEMS™) imposes the following requirements and guarantees for the use of the system:


Prerequisites to be met by the user for CEMS™ to guarantee valid conversion of material and product quantities to CO2e equivalents

  • The recorded quantities must be specified according to the quantities defined for the individual materials or units as per the overview. 

  • The recorded quantities must be accumulated based on materials or products that have been recycled for reuse.

  • The recorded quantities must be documented with PDF files and photos with date file recognition, and the origin of all recorded quantities or products must be specified.

  • The recorded quantities must be approved by the user's auditing firm after registration in order to release the CO2e equivalent for use in the user's accounts.

  • The recorded quantities must be guaranteed by the user's statement of truth to be correct, and it is always the user's responsibility to ensure that all information is accurate.

  • The recorded quantities must be locked after registration so that the data becomes "non-editable."

  • The recorded quantities must be guaranteed by the user in good faith to prevent double or erroneous registration, or their "double" use by others in CEMS. 

  • The registered company with which the user creates an account in CEMS™ must be verifiable via. VIRK (Business in Denmark). 

  • The auditing firm that the user registers within the system upon creation must be verifiable. An auditor can be changed if the user switches auditors.

  • As a user, CEMS consultants can be purchased for a better understanding and use of CEMS. This can help reduce the risk of errors and misunderstandings.

  • Continuous monitoring and reporting: Implementation of regular monitoring and reporting of data quality can help identify and address any issues or irregularities in real time.

  • Ethical and sustainable practices: Users should be encouraged to act in accordance with ethical and sustainable guidelines in their use of the platform. This may include selecting environmentally friendly materials and processes as well as reducing waste and pollution.

  • Data integrity and security: Additional security measures should be implemented to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the data, including regular security monitoring, access control, and data backup.

Prerequisites CEMS™ must meet in order for CEMS™ to guarantee valid conversion of material and product quantities into CO2e equivalents

  • CEMS™ guarantees the user valid source references for all materials or products based on volume.
  • CEMS™ guarantees the user a usable document for the user's auditing firm, containing the user's registered quantities.
  • CEMS™ guarantees that the user's auditor has access to the user's CEMS™ account, where valid data can be downloaded and verified.
  • CEMS™ guarantees the user that the stored data that is locked is available in accounting-distributed quantities, based on the user's needs.
  • CEMS™ guarantees that the generated CO2e equivalents in CEMS can be utilized by the user in the user's accounts.
  • CEMS™ guarantees that locked data can be accessed for a minimum of 6 years back (locked in segmented fiscal years).
  • CEMS™ guarantees that the user's CO2e overvalue is stored by CEMS™, and the user always has access to view quantities and values.
  • CEMS™ guarantees users that the stored overcompensations remain the user's until a sale occurs.
  • CEMS™ guarantees that the user only pays tax on the value upon the sale of the user's overvalue.
  • CEMS™ guarantees that the fee to CEMS™ is only paid upon sale of the user's surplus value.

See sales and delivery terms

Prerequisites for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in CEMS™:

To ensure a valid conversion of material and product quantities to CO2e equivalents using LCA in CEMS™, the following requirements and guarantees must be met:

  1. Registered LCA quantities: Quantities must be specified in accordance with the defined quantities for the individual materials or units, as specified in the overview.

  2. Documentation: LCA quantities must be documented with PDF files and photos containing date-file recognition and origin for all registered LCA quantities or products.

  3. Approval by auditing firm: LCA quantities must be approved by the user's auditing firm after registration to trigger the CO2e equivalent for use in the user's accounts.


Prerequisites for ESG in CEMS™

To ensure a valid conversion of material and product quantities to CO2e equivalents using ESG in CEMS™, the following requirements and guarantees must be met:

  1. Valid source references: CEMS™ guarantees the user valid source references for all materials or products based on volume (if the user chooses to use supplier references, this is not guaranteed by CEMS, but by the user's supplier).

  2. Documentation for auditing firm: CEMS™ guarantees the user a useful document for the user's auditing firm with the user's registered quantities.

  3. Access for auditor: CEMS™ guarantees that the user's auditor has access to the user's CEMS™ account, where valid data can be downloaded and verified.

  4. Utilization of CO2e equivalents: CEMS™ guarantees that the generated CO2e equivalents in CEMS can be used by the user in the user's accounts.

  5. Long-term data storage: CEMS™ guarantees that locked blockchain data can be accessed for a minimum of 6 years back (locked in segmented fiscal years).

  6. Access to detailed ESG reporting: CEMS™ guarantees that the user has access to detailed ESG reports, providing insights into the company's performance in environmental, social responsibility, and corporate governance aspects.

  7. Integration with external ESG standards: CEMS™ guarantees that the system integrates with recognized external ESG standards and enables easy reporting in accordance with them.

  8. Automated ESG data collection: CEMS™ guarantees the user automated collection of ESG-related data to reduce manual input errors and ensure accuracy.

  9. Access to ESG benchmarking: CEMS™ guarantees that the user has the ability to compare the company's ESG performance with industry standards and peer companies.

  10. Regular updating of ESG data: CEMS™ guarantees that ESG data is regularly updated to ensure that the company's performance is current and accurate.