LCA Life Cycle Assessment

DKK 998.00



Price per month DKK 998.00 + VAT.


LCA (Life Cycle Analysis): For an even deeper understanding of your product's or company's total environmental impact, CEMS offers the LCA product, providing a comprehensive analysis of the entire product life cycle. From raw materials to production, use, and disposal, we give you insights to make informed decisions for a more sustainable future.

The CEMS platform offers a user-friendly and comprehensive solution for recording, storing, and documenting all data related to your life cycle assessment (LCA). With CEMS, you can easily enter and organize information about raw materials, production, transport, use, and disposal of your product. All this data is securely stored in CEMS, and the platform automatically generates a detailed document that can be attached as documentation of your product's environmental impact.

This document not only provides an overview of the product's overall environmental footprint but also includes individual calculations for each component, giving an in-depth understanding of the environmental impact at the component level. By using the CEMS platform, users gain not only a comprehensive LCA but also easily accessible documentation that can be shared with stakeholders and authorities to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and environmentally friendly practices.

Example: Analysis of a chair produced in China.

Below is an overview of the key elements in the LCA for a typical chair.

       Raw Materials:

       Frame: The amount of painted steel frame used per chair (measured in kg or g).

  • Paint on the frame: The amount of paint used for the steel frame (measured in kg or g).
  • Seat: The amount of plywood, foam rubber, and leather used per chair (measured in kg or g).
  • Leather Dye: The amount of dye used for the leather (measured in kg or g).
  • All components involved in the chair must be included and calculated, such as glue, screws, thread, rubber caps, etc.

  • Energy Consumption: Assessment of the total energy consumption during manufacturing, including the amount of energy used per unit for the frame, plywood, paint, and packaging materials.
  • Emissions: Emission of greenhouse gases and other potentially harmful substances during production, including those related to packaging.
  • Emballage:

    Packaging constitutes a significant part of the product's overall life cycle, as it not only protects the item during transport but also impacts the environment through its production, disposal, and recycling. The analysis of the packaging's environmental impact includes the amount of raw materials used for the packaging, as well as the energy consumption and emissions during the production phase.

    Factors to consider:

    Optimization of packaging:

    • The amount of materials used for wrapping and protection during transport, including cartons, plastic, and filler per chair (measured in kg or g).
    • Materials: Assessment of the materials used and their origin. For example, if the packaging is made from recycled materials, it can reduce the overall environmental impact.
    • Production: Calculation of energy consumption and emissions associated with the production of the packaging. A more energy-efficient production process can help reduce the environmental burden.
    • Transport: Evaluation of the environmental impact of transporting packaging materials to the production site, as well as transporting the finished product with packaging to the consumer.
  • Disposal: Consideration of the environmental impact of disposing of the packaging. Recyclable or biodegradable materials can reduce waste and minimize environmental impact.

    The results of the analysis can provide you with valuable insights into how you can optimize packaging to reduce the overall environmental impact. This may include selecting more sustainable materials, optimizing packaging design to reduce the amount of material used, and implementing reuse or recycling strategies. Packaging optimization can not only have positive environmental effects, but it can also signal to consumers and stakeholders that your company takes responsibility for sustainable practices throughout the product's life cycle.​​​​​​
  • Transport:

    • Distance and mode of transport:
      • Phase 1: Transport from the manufacturer's factory to the port (only if relevant to the product).
      • Phase 2: Shipping transport from the production country to the destination (ports in China to ports in Denmark).
      • Phase 3: Transport from the port to the warehouse facility (possibly by truck).
      • Phase 4: Local distribution from the warehouse facility to the end customer (van or truck).
  • Use:

    • Lifetime: Estimation of the chair's lifespan and any potential maintenance.
    • Energy Consumption: Assessment of the average energy consumption per year during the use of the chair, as well as the need for spare parts or repairs.
  • Disposal:

    • Recycling: Potential for recycling materials, including screws and other fastening equipment.
    • Waste management: Environmental impact of disposing of the chair's parts, packaging, and other accessories such as screws, glue, and paint.
  • Individual calculations for components:

    • Each component of the chair must have its own individual calculation to achieve an accurate assessment of the environmental impact. This includes the quantity of materials, energy consumption, and emissions for the frame, seat, paint, dye, and packaging. This approach ensures a detailed and precise analysis of each part's contribution to the overall environmental impact of the product.

Results and recommendations:

  • Overall environmental impact: A comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact for the entire product life cycle based on the specified quantities of materials and energy consumption.

  • Recommendations: Specific areas where sustainable alternatives can be implemented to reduce environmental impact, including material choices, packaging optimization, and recycling strategies.

  • The customer also has the option to include supplier data, such as for a screw, by providing documentation with accurate quantities and source references.

  • By using our LCA product and conducting individual calculations for each component, you gain in-depth insight into your product's ecological footprint, enabling specific and targeted sustainability improvements at the component level and overall.

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis is a systematic evaluation of environmental impacts occurring throughout the entire lifecycle of a product, process, or service. It encompasses resource consumption, emissions, and environmental consequences from raw material extraction, production, use, and disposal. LCA analyses are used to assess and minimize environmental impacts and make sustainable decisions.

Make LCA analyzes on your products with CEMS

LCA Analysis Workflow Guide:

1. Entering product information:

  • The first step is to input crucial information about your product into the system. This includes details about production processes, materials, and energy consumption.
  • We have included tooltips and validations to make the input process easier for you. Make sure to fill in all necessary information.

2. Approval process::

  • After you have entered your product data, the auditor reviews the analysis results to ensure they meet relevant requirements and standards.
  • The auditor will either approve the analysis or provide feedback if there are errors or deficiencies. You will be informed of the outcome.

3. Error Handling:​​​

  • If there are errors in your entered data or in the calculations, the system will display clear error reports. These will guide you and the auditor in addressing any issues.

4. Audit Trail:

  • A detailed overview of all registrations and approvals is created, which you can follow as a user.

5. Usability:

  • We have designed the system to be user-friendly. If you have questions or need assistance, user guides and help sections are available to guide you through the process.

6. Security:

  • We prioritize the security of your data. Built-in protection and access control are in place to ensure that your information remains confidential.

This guide is designed to make the LCA analysis as simple as possible for you. If you have any further questions or need assistance, we are here to help.